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Add–on Courses

Year 1 (2019-20)
Name of Add on /Certificate programs offeredNo. of times offered during the same yearDuration of courseNumber of students enrolled in the year
Image Editing using Adobe Photo shop132 Hours20
Hands on Training on Android App development130 Hours20
A practical Course on Data Science and Big Data Analytics130 Hours20
Year 2 (2018-19)
Name of Add on /Certificate programs offeredNo. of times offered during the same yearDuration of courseNumber of students enrolled in the year
All-in-one Ethical hacking133 Hours21
Advanced Hardware Troublehooting Techniques132 Hours20
Hands on Training on web Designing and Animation 132 Hours18
Year 3 (2017-18)
Name of Add on /Certificate programs offeredNo. of times offered during the same yearDuration of courseNumber of students enrolled in the year
Hands-on Training on Internet of Things Automation using Raspberry Pi 133 Hours19
RUBY for web application development130 Hours17
Video Editing via Adobe Premiere132 Hours18
Year 4 (2016-17)
Name of Add on /Certificate programs offeredNo. of times offered during the same yearDuration of courseNumber of students enrolled in the year
Simulation of cloud Data Center and its services133 Hours23
Advanced MS – Excel to address Industry needs130 Hours21
Year 5 (2015-16)
Name of Add on /Certificate programs offeredNo. of times offered during the same yearDuration of courseNumber of students enrolled in the year
Technical view in Python Programming132 Hours5


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