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Curriculum Delivery

SRIET is affiliated to Anna University to offer Under Graduate Programmes in Engineering and Technology. From 2017, University implemented Choice Based Credit System in curriculum and it circulates academic calendar for each semester.

Department Advisory Committee:
Department Advisory Committee (DAC) discusses the curriculum gaps and proposes ways to address it through Add-on courses. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) discusses and approves it for further implementation.
Design of Course Plan:
Each faculty member designs comprehensive course plan for theory and laboratory based on credit specified in the course to deliver the subject content in 1.5:1.5:2 units for CIA I, II & III respectively. Course plan includes, text book(s), reference book(s), web resource(s), ICT tool(s) and content beyond syllabus.
Preparation of Course file:
Faculty member prepares course file containing academic schedule, timetable, course plan & materials and previous year question papers. Course Outcomes (COs) are validated by mapping against Programme Outcomes (POs) after each CIA. For slow learners, corrective actions such as counselling, supplementary classes and retests are done to achieve COs.

Teaching-Learning Process

The Course plan is prepared by individual faculty under the guidance of HOD. Based on COs, the portion of syllabus coverage is allotted for CIA. The Institution ensures Student-Centric Teaching-Learning Process through Revised Blooms’ Taxonomy (RBT). Tutorials, Guest lectures, NPTEL recordings, Conferences, Workshops and Industrial visits are all parts of the day-to-day teaching phase. Faculty members use Google Classroom to share their lesson plans, question banks and other resources. The curriculum delivery is even more enhanced with ICT enabled classrooms and laboratories. 

Student Centric Methods

The teaching learning process in SRIET is based on student-centric learning by empowering the students to think critically, respond with confidence and pose questions without reservations. Our Institution adopts 2017 regulation based students centric – OBE and CBCS methods. Effective teaching learning process is achieved through regular course delivery to attain and improve COs, POs & PSOs are used for different level of students.Currently, OBLF methodology is being used to enhance the effectiveness of course delivery by identifying pre-requisite knowledge, STEM concepts, mind mapping, stimulating questions, etc. Cooperative learning usingconcept map, interactive learning, miniprojects, seminars, assignments, quiz, PPTs, video lectures, etc., entices students to learn and enlarges his learning capabilities.


Effective Course Delivery

SRIET adopted one dimensional Bloom’s Taxonomy based on six levels of Cognitive Learning Dimensions (CLD) – Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate and Create to deliver course content. High and Low order thinking are distinguished perspicaciously. Various instructional approaches and pedagogical programs such as seminars, tutorials, laboratory classes, project work & continuous internal assessments for theory subjects are used to enhance and ensure the effectiveness of course delivery.
Recently, two dimensional Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy is being used to enhance student-centric learning. In addition to CLD, a four type of Knowledge Dimensions namely Factual, Conceptual, Procedural and Metacognitive are added to improve the effectiveness. The general objective is further classified into four specific objectives using STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) concept which are mapped in the above 2-dimensional matrix of 6×4. Stimulating questions, mind map technique, quiz and objective type questions in OBLF (Object Based Learning Format) are used to promote exquisite learning and individual learning in the class room teaching.

Monitoring the Course Delivery

HODs and Principal regularly monitor the delivery of the course. Formal feedbacks are received from the students to assess the course delivery and syllabus completion. The Class Committee meetings are arranged where the student representatives can express their difficulties in academic and administrative areas.

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