- Phone : 0422 2697792
- 7502664999 / 7402667999
- Email : [email protected]
Boys should settle in their rooms at 06.00 P.M. for studies on normal days and at 7.00 P.M. on free night days (Saturdays). The boy students are not permitted to leave the campus or enter into the campus after 6.00 P.M. In extraordinary situations with valid reason, they are permitted to enter the campus on surrendering their IDENTITY CARD to the security staff on duty.
Out pass will be provided only on Sundays. From 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM
Inmates will be allowed to go home once in a month only if parents give written requisitions stating the reason, duration of stay etc. they will be permitted to go home only for valid reasons. The parents should apply to the deputy warden directly for permission to send the daughter home. The girl students are not permitted to go to guardian’s house for overnight stay, unless there is a specific written requisition from parents.
Only 3 authorised visitors (including parents) are permitted. Visitors are requested to visit their wards only during visiting hours. Visiting Hours on Saturdays and Sundays 09:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Roll call will be taken at 6.30 p.m.
Students are advised not to wear costly jewellery items.