- Phone : 0422 2697792
- 7502664999 / 7402667999
- Email : [email protected]
Mentor – Mentee system has been followed for personal counseling and grievances Redressal of the students. Mentoring is a student monitoring process. All the personal, academic, co-curricular and Extra-curricular information about the student are recorded in the Student record maintained by the respective faculty mentor. Each student’s academic and other activities are keenly monitored by the mentors. They take the responsibility of providing additional coaching classes for the slow learners if any, with the help of Course coordinator. Mentors also give extra focus on the students having backlog arrears by conducting additional coaching classes for the slow learners to ensure improved performance. Students with idea of dropping out are specifically counseled by addressing their problem and are motivated to be retained. Ethical and moral values are imparted to the students regularly during the mentoring. Students participating in club and sports activities are encouraged to improve the leadership qualities. Parent meetings are conducted by inviting parents to discuss about their wards performance.